Trust, Wills, Probate
Planning & Execution for Succession
Shang & Co. has been advising succession matters and is involved in some of the most innovative and sophisticated cases in Malaysia. Give us a call today and see how we can help you to plan your estate and to write your will.

10 Things You Should Know Before Writing a Will
#1 You Must Have Attained the Age of Majority
No will made by any person under the age of majority is valid. Since there is no specific majority age stated in the Wills Act 1959 reference shall be made to the Age of Majority Act 1971 in which the age of majority provided is 18 years old. As such, you shall only be eligible to write a will when you reach the age of 18.
Distribution of Estate
for Intestate
It is not strange to know that many people have not got a will or a valid will. If one dies without a Will, then he/she is said to have died intestate. The deceased would, unfortunately, had lost his/her rights to distribute the estates according to his/her wishes because the Distribution of Estate Act 1958 applies. If a person dies leaving a Will to dispose of his property but part of his property is not disposed under the Will, then such property not disposed of shall be distributed in the manner provided by the said Act.
Writing a Will : Before Divorce and After Marriage
The importance of writing a will can never be undermined. A will allows you to plan, determine and choose who inherits your assets, who shall act as guardian for your children and who shall be named as your executor to ensure that your last wishes are carried out in the manner you intended to.
Left Out from Will
If your spouse/parent die leaving a Will but had left you out, with no provision for you, or has not provided you with any reasonable provision, what you should do? The good news is there is recourse